atelier MARTINI
creative simulation of paper🖌️📄️HEY👋️,
my name is Andreas - great having you here.
welcome to my online portfolio!
how can I explain what I do in one phrase?
I design and create digital simulations of paper with 3D/CG image software.
for whom?
anyone producing, working, designing, crafting or communicating with paper. so potentially and virtually... everyone?! 😇️
what can you do here?
👀️scroll down for a video & featured works;
💥️jump headfirst into the archive;
📄️learn more about me;
🖌️send me a message;
in any case: enjoy! 😌️
trained as an architect, drawing, explaining and showing on paper always were the tools of my trade. my passion for this material and its techniques have become a specialty of my oeuvre as a 3D-designer, visual artist & virtual world builder.
for commissions, network or job & intern inquiries, gladly get in touch via the ︎ form, working in both German or English.
atelier MARTINI
creative computer graphics
creative computer graphics
imprint/legal © 2025